Thursday, March 17, 2016

A Carousel of Social Media

My 6th graders are wrapping up a unit on Internet Safety. Our final lesson was about social media, and the best way to show what we know is through a carousel activity. Each table is assigned one topic to write about in a specific marker color. They talk and write for about 1-2 minutes and then will move to the next table/topic. They will read what has been written and add to it with their specific color until they have had a chance to talk about each topic. At the end, the original group will read their sheet and give a one sentence summary of their idea. The social media topics were: Facebook, Instagram, Snapchat, Twitter, Pinterest, YouTube, and Email. Having conversations about these tools is helpful in knowing who is using what!

Thursday, March 10, 2016

Project READ- Jane Yolen's Dinosaurs

I LOVE Jane Yolen's Dinosaur books, so I used them as my theme for this month's Project READ! We made dinosaurs out of watercolored plates, colored dinosaur pictures, and played a game where we rolled a dice and added clothespins to a dinosaur's back. Then our treat was a dinosaur egg hunt with eggs filled with plastic dinosaurs, candy eggs, and goldfish crackers!

Wednesday, March 2, 2016

It's That Time Again... Book Fair!!

We are halfway through a busy week of Parent Lunch Week and Book Fair! Since we have no school on Friday, our days have been even busier. Students are also loving their free books from PTO. Thank you!!